"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."

Peter Drucker, Management Guru, 1909-2005

Strategic Management

The passion we hold for our job constitutes our energy. However, we feel our real strength when we focus on the right targets. Strategic management translates our energy into corporate power.

When correctly blend our energy with our emotions, it is the key that to achieve success in our business both locally and internationally. We need a good strategy towards that end.

EWA supports your strategic management through our services in corporate reputation management, business management sustainable growth and SME and NGO mentorship.

Corporate Reputation Management

What is supposed to mean that they do not believe that we can do it?..

There is no doubt that you are competent in your business and well respected. Everybody who knows you must think in the same way. But, to what extent yourself and your company are mentioned and recognized as one? Does your company have the same level of reputation as you?

Corporate reputation is crucial in maintaining healthy continuation of your company. Preferability of your goods and services by your customers and consumers, having respect in the eyes of the public authorities and being a great place to work which is preferred by young and talented college graduates is highly dependent upon the goodness and soundness of your corporate reputation.

We, jointly with you, review the current stance of your corporate reputation and position it to be in line with the requirements of your sector and business objectives. In the same vein, we make sure that all your corporate functions are accorded around such strategic reputation framework. If you wish so, we provide reputation management support during your business development efforts.

Business Management and Sustainable Growth

How come do you mean that this is out of our league?..

We know you made a difference in your sector and you are doing a very good job. Those who have confidence in you also think the same and would like to work with you. The more you excel in your business the more your products and services would be demanded. But, are you ready to cope with such demand challenges?

Growth process is tough. It is not merely a process of increasing sales and burgeoning production capacity. They are only the signs and natural outcome of the growth process. However, growth indicates a situation where you should be ready with your strategic decision-making capacity and all your gear to tackle with the challenges it implies.

To enable you to walk along a healthy and sustainable path of growth, and to meet the challenges of increasing demand for your products and services without jeopardizing your company’s chemistry; we set your growth strategy in cooperation with you. We examine your organize growth potential, enhance the resistance capacity of your growth against the risks of contraction and support your company’s sustainable growth drive with our expertise.

SME and NGO Mentorship

Mentorship? Was it a kind of service only catered for sportsmen?

You may think that you do not need other people’s intellect advise while you are developing your business. However only small portion of doing successful business depends on your knowledge about your products and services. What about the other issues?

What knowledge should you possess while doing your job or as an NGO manager? Policies and legislation? Financial and human resource management? Communication and branding? Corporate affairs? Economics, sociology, psychology, statistics? Or all of them?

While running your business, jointly with you, we analyze what you need to concentrate, what your strengths are, how you can find solutions for the issues you encountered and how you can make progress with the support of trust in you and your institution. We work for you to have a working environment which would gratify you and your colleagues.

We also provide support to build your overall competence and project development capacities to become an NGO equipped with sound financial and organizational background to serve in accordance with your charter and to communicate effectively and efficiently with your members.