"Don't tell me the moon’s gloss; show me the glint of light on broken glass."

Anton Chekhov, Author, 1860-1904

Corporate Affairs

We assist you to have the most correct strategy and select the most appropriate tools in managing your corporate affairs and public communication. We are aware of the difference between corporate affairs and corporate communication and provide you the most effective services.

EWA supports your company for effective management of your corporate affairs through our advisory services in fields of public communication, management of stakeholder relations, as well as policy and legislative and regulatory advice.

Public Communication

Come on! Do we need to get a license for this activity too?..

Of course, you know your business best. To make a difference, you are working with your best performance under a highly competitive environment, innovatively developing your goods and services, and considering your company to enter into new markets.

In line with your strategic objectives, we monitor your business performance, proactively analyze the processes for government approvals, licenses and permits which you may require tomorrow, and inform you in advance to prevent any setbacks and support better management of approval processes in your business activities.

Sound economic enterprise needs to be in line with the public policies. We establish communication with public agencies in a sustainable way for your business.

Stake Holder Relations

What is supposed to mean that they never heard of us?

You work hard to add value both to your company and to geographical area which you are operating. Under such intense work pressure it is very natural that you may not have enough time to establish contacts with your stakeholders.

When running your business, you encounter wide spectrum of stake holders such as suppliers, clients and consumers. In starting up your business and growing thereafter, we enable you to establish sustainable relationship with the groups who bear strategic importance for you.

In addition to advising you how and at what frequency you need to get in touch with your stakeholders, we plan and manage through which communication channels you can maintain your relations with your partners in parallel with the dynamics of your sector.

Policy Advises and Legislation-Regulations

But... What can we do for the policy decisions which would have negative influences on our operations?

While you are focusing on and successfully conducting your business; it is not your weakness or deficiency for not being able to have prior knowledge about policies, legislative changes affecting your activities, or state aid and incentives which you may be eligible. It is not even your fault not to be aware that you should be consulted and invited to make proposals when public authorities draft such regulations and make decisions.

In today’s world, in every geographical location and all economic sectors, business life takes its course around certain policies and activities are put into effect, albeit within with some local touches, within the frameworks of global rules and international legislations.

We review national and international legislations concerning your field of business, draw the most appropriate road map and support your strategy from now until tomorrow to perfect your business performance to achieve where your company deserves. We also provide assistance to benefit from the state aid and incentives at maximum level and assist to improve public policies and regulatory environment.